Nature's got me high and it's so beautiful. I'm in this deep eternal universe from death to rebirth
Needed to start storing all the information that I find online about Permaculture (PC). Feel free to share all this information and I am more than glad if you find something useful for yourself here!
Sunday, 13 January 2013
Permaculture Baby
A very permacultural and natural approach to nursing babies. I love it!
Sunday, 30 December 2012
Monday, 24 December 2012
100 Best Permaculture & Homesteading Books: The Ultimate Reading List for Sustainable Living
I found this amazing site that offers a list of the 100 best PC and sustainable living books. Also free E-books and free E-book previews!
Lifelong learning!
Lifelong learning!
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Friday, 7 December 2012
Thursday, 29 November 2012
The Edible Pond and Bog Garden
The following list contains many plants, most of them either natives of Britain or naturalized here, that can be grown in ponds or boggy ground. They are all perennials and, unless stated otherwise, can be easily propagated by seed or by division in spring or autumn. The list shows that there is a tremendous potential for food production from ponds and boggy areas.
Many gardens already have ponds in them and, indeed, will probably contain several of the plants mentioned below. In other gardens ponds can be very easily set up (as long as you don't mind a bit of digging) by using plastic pond liners, pre-formed glass-fibre ponds, or concrete. Even a very small pond has great potential for food production and any pond adds significantly to the ability of a garden to support a wide range of wildlife. It is not intended to go into details of making ponds and establishing a water garden in this leaflet - contact us if you want details. However, most of the plants listed here are very easy to cultivate, indeed, with some of them the problem will be more one of trying to contain them as they are very vigorous, and you should find that your pond, once established, will require very little attention.
Just a couple of points that may be worth mentioning are:
- Ensure that your pond has at least one shallow side to enable creatures, especially amphibians, to get in and out easily;
- Ensure that it has several different levels (with at least one area more than two feet deep) to enable you to grow a variety of plants and to make sure that even in severe weather some of the water at the bottom of the pool is not frozen.
If your garden already contains an area of very wet soil that you've never been able to do much with then hopefully this leaflet will give you some ideas. It is fairly easy to create an area of boggy soil and perhaps the simplest methods are:
- If you have an old garden pond that keeps leaking then just fill it up with earth and use it as a bog garden.
- Excavate an area of soil to about one and a half feet, line it with plastic, puncture it in a few places and then replace the soil.
- Fill in the shallow edges of your pond with earth.



Edible Water Garden Design
Plants suitable for water gardens range from those that require moist soil to those that thrive in deep water. They are usually grouped into six categories although some plants will fall in to 2 or more categories. The categories are: oxygenators, deep-water plants, surface floaters, marginals, bog plants, and moisture loving plants. When buying plants be careful to check their requirements as some garden nurseries will group moisture-loving plants (which cannot be in waterlogged soil) along with bog plants. For more information on water gardens view our page: The Edible Pond and Bog Garden, in the Habitat section.

The table below gives examples of plants falling into the different categories
Plant Type | Plant examples |
Deep emergent | Sagittaria latifolia Sagittaria sagittifolia Nelumbo lutea Nelumbo nucifera Orontium aquaticum Typha latifolia |
Shallow emergent | Iris versicolor Pontederia cordata Peltandra virginica Saururus cernuus Veronica beccabunga Lysichiton camtschatcense |
Emergent floater | Vallisneria americana Nasturtium officinale Ipomoea aquatica |
Floater | Lemna gibba Lemna minor Wolffia arrhiza Azolla filiculoides |
Bog & moisture loving plants | Aruncus dioicus Astilbe chinensis Chelone glabra Filipendula ulmaria Hosta longissima |
Submerged | Ceratophyllum demersum Myriophyllum spicatum Myriophyllum verticillatum Potamogeton natans |
Water Garden Plants
Oxygenators Fast-growing submerged plants that help to clean and oxygenate the water. e.g. Myriophyllum spicatum (Water Milfoil) Myriophyllum verticillatum (Myriad Leaf) Elodea canadensis (Canadian Pondweed) Essential if fish are added to the pond.
Shallow Emergent (shallow marginals). Grow in shallow water usually about 8 -15 cm (3"-6"). Shallow marginals provide cover for wildlife and are a key ornamental element to a water garden design.
Deep Emergent (water depth 6" -12") Nelumbo lutea (American Water Lotus) Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred Water Lotus) Typha latifolia (Reedmace) Also includes deep-water plants (water depth usually 30-90cm, 12"-36").e.g. Nymphaea alba (White Water Lily) Aponogeton distachyos (Water Hawthorn) Water lilies (Nymphaea) form the largest group of deep-water plants that root in deep water. Leaves and flowers must be above water. Some water lilies for example,Nymphaea alba, can thrive in water up to 3m (10 feet). Plants may need to be grown in pots or divided regularly to reduce root growth and plant vigour.
Surface Floater Trapa natans (Water Chestnut) Azolla filiculoides (Azolla). Have a similar function to deep-water plants. Oxygenators need light so it is important that surface floaters do not cover too much of the water surface. Some floaters are vigorous and will need to be controlled (which can be a good thing as many floaters have useful properties).
Bog Plants Thrive in water-logged soil withstanding occasional flooding. e.g. Lysichiton americanus (Yellow Skunk Cabbage) Caltha leptosepala (Western Marsh Marigold)
Moisture-loving Plants Like soils that have extra moisture but are not waterlogged. Can include herbaceous perennials e.g. Astilbes (Astilbe chinensis) and Hostas (Hosta longissima)

Pigs that produce wool!!
Did you know there’s actually such a thing as a woolly pig? Well, there is, and it’s called Mangalitsa. And they are adorable!!
Seen from a distance, these pigs look like sheep, and it’s only when you spot their snouts and hear their growl, that you realize they’re actually pigs. Commonly referred to as “sheep-pigs” these strange breed is called Mangalitsa, and it’s on the brink of extinction. That’s right, even though their wool makes them very resistant, both in summer and winter time, it doesn’t do a damn thing against man’s appetite.
Mangalitsa pigs originated from Austria and Hungary, and they come in three color varieties: blond, brunette and redhead. Apart from their bizarre appearance, these pigs have another trait that made them even more popular: their meat, apparently, tastes delicious and is considered a delicacy.
Saturday, 24 November 2012
How PC can help your relationships!
Do you mulch your relationships? Kim Millar explains how Permaculture principles work just as much in the home, as they do in the garden

Most of us don't 'design' our relationships consciously, we're more likely to stumble and/or bumble along in the hopes that they'll grow in the right direction. They usually catch our attention only when things have gone wrong and we scramble around trying to stop things from unraveling.
But imagine if we put the same thought and attention into building a relationship as we do to creating a productive, efficient garden, increasing our vegetable yields and improving water harvesting?
Here are some parallels I drew whilst recently learning about Permaculture and its relevance to relationship.
1. Mulching
A relationship is a growing organism, create the right environment and it will thrive. Mulching offers several things including nourishment, protection and effective action with least effort. So how do you mulch a relationship? By paying attention and being more observant, learning to listen, understand & communicate more openly; simple gestures of care and affection can bring about amazing changes rapidly.
2. Greater productivity lies at the Edges
Relationships have their growing – and dying – 'edges'. Just before a relationship is about to move to the next phase there will be a great deal of productivity. Sometimes that can be arguments, disagreements, upsets and misunderstandings. It can also be feelings of deeper connection, greater love, more respect and trust.
Either way there will be an increase in emotional 'productivity'. Be curious about the emotions, about what changes are occurring, we can use this productivity wisely to build a strong and more resilient next phase.
3. Design for co-operation rather than competition
Make sure your companion planting takes everyone's needs into consideration! Just like a plant, we communicate our wellbeing by healthy productivity. It is really important to understand that some people compete to win and some to lose and those who compete to lose will do so in order to win later. Both styles of competition uses up nutrients in the relationship soil. A healthy relationship design is one where everyone thrives and feels valued.
4. Use the least effort to create the biggest effect
This translates simply as 'be authentic'. It is the small, genuine gestures that work the most effectively. The language of the heart is the communication that resonates most clearly, goes the deepest and lasts the longest.
5. The yield is only limited by the imagination of the designer
Every relationship is deserving of a Vision, what Vision do you have for your relationship? What do you believe is possible? What yield are you hoping for (closeness, co-operation, laughter, trust, forgiveness)? If the yield seems low, it may be time for you to study the relationship from a new perspective, to open up your imagination and get creative!
6. Appropriate technology is that which can be easily applied
If your relationships are hard work and feel like you're trying to push the river uphill, its a sign that you are going against the natural flow. Stop. Give yourself some breathing space and think about what is really being called for and what it is you are capable of giving, easily, authentically and wholeheartedly.
7. Start small and work out from well managed areas
It helps to assess what is working well and build on it. Trying to make big changes or address difficult challenges can seem frightening and overwhelming. Learning to chunk things down in to manageable pieces helps relieve the stress and creates a better focus.
8. Turn problems into solutions
Weeds and pests get into relationships too. They're made up of beliefs, thoughts and experiences we bring from the past and can take hold in a relationship, creating feelings of suffocation and heartbreak. 10% of pain in a relationship comes from the present, 90% is old childhood hurt being recycled. I often see relationships blossom when people discover that hiding beneath the pain is a new level of connection and friendship.
9. Mistakes are opportunities for learning
To embrace this principle we need to retrain our minds to see mistakes differently; not as a something deserving punishing but as behaviour that simply need correcting. It can be scary at first to open up and talk about mistakes and misunderstandings, it makes us feel vulnerable and defenceless.
The safest and most effective tool in relationship is empathy, it takes the charge out of situations and makes space for forgiveness. Forgiveness means being willing to 'yield' to 'give way'. But if we look at the productive concept of 'yield' you can see how forgiveness is a way to improve harvest!
10. Everything Gardens
To live a meaningful life it is important to give everything meaning. Everything that happens in our life, every event, every encounter is helping us to grow and evolve as individuals. We are all on a journey to fulfilling our potential; the events and lessons we are presented with are there to help us be more productive, if we have the eyes to see it.
Just like the Earth, relationships are a rich and precious resource. Once we view them as source of opportunities for growth and development, any emotion or experience becomes the organic matter to be composted and processed in order to promote growth, health and well-being.
With a strong focus on transformational communication and personal development Kim says "Human beings are wired for connection and built for relationships. I believe much of our unhappiness comes from a loss of connection. If we lack effective tools to communicate and problem solve about it, the increased distance deepens misunderstandings and prevents hurt feelings from being resolved. Sometimes it takes a little courage to learn new skills and reverse this trend – but the rewards are infinite".
Based in Hampshire, UK, Kim offers Relationship Training in innovative emotional intelligence skills.
To see many more inspiring articles, please visit or email Kim at You can also contact her on 07789 408378 or click here to to view her twitter page.
Interested in this approach to permaculture? You may also be interested in People and Permaculture - caring and designing for ourselves, each other and the planet by Looby Macnamara.
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